

Master of Environmental Data Science (MEDS) at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. Anticipated graduation June 2023.

B.S. Biology with a focus in marine biology from Oregon State University 2022

• GPA 4.0

B.A. Anthropology with a focus in archaeology from University of Oregon 2013

• Minor in Geological Sciences

• GPA 3.63


Oregon Sea Grant Summer and Biological Science Aid (6/21-10/21)

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Newport, OR

  • Co-wrote 2 summary reports for human dimensions surveys in support of the Oregon Marine Reserves Synthesis Report.

  • Completed preliminary data analysis using Rstudio and generated tables and figures using Excel.

  • Generated 2 codebooks and a database using Excel to complete data-entry for over 1500 surveys.

Supplemental Instruction Study Table Leader (9/20-3/22)

Academic Success Center, Oregon State University

  • Independently planned collaborative activities that emphasized effective study strategies.

  • Led study groups and facilitate learning in the remote environment while providing a supportive and welcoming environment for a diverse group of students.

Unlicensed Deckhand (6/19-9/19)

Trident Seafoods, F/V Farwest Leader, Dutch Harbor, AK

  • Identified and sorted salmon species in a fast paced environment.

  • Operated industrial fish scales and accurately recorded weights of fish delivered by dozens of boats per day.

  • Operated the ships crane to transfer 1,500 to 3,000-pound bags of fish.

Boatswains Mate 3rd Class (6/15-6/19)

United States Coast Guard, Newport, OR and Key West, FL

  • Supervised and performed routine and emergency maintenance. Precisely maintained over 30 current and corrected charts for small boat navigation.

  • Qualified on 6 boat types with over 200 hours underway performing training, search and rescue, training, and law enforcement operations.

  • Trained co-workers in communications watch standing and boat crew member tasks and responsibilities.